"If you managed to kill them, I assure you, they were not like me." — Spy.

What is there to paint of a man who legally doesn't exist? Who's birth and death elude time's record, and appearance can shift in a cloud of smoke? The titled "B.L.U Spy" is a puzzling figure with only three things consistent with his global footprint: a Frenchman by birth, a chronic smoker, and a ruthless killer. Spending his early life impoverished in the greater Paris region, his lack of parental figures, home, or even a name kept his identity small: physically, the Spy was a mere speck upon the globe. But his ambition and ruthless desire to carve his way through life was impossibly giant: he knew he wanted more, that he was smart, and that he had the right fire inside him to take from the world in a way most could not.From boyhood, he would cut his inexperienced fingers countless times when using his balisong — flinch at the hammer strike when firing that revolver between his tiny hands. Skittish and fierce — scrawny and bedraggled. Like a flea-bitten kitten, raising its hackles at Paris' suffocating walls. But, he wouldn't give in to fear nor' tribulations, pride carrying his head high, determination driving him to tuck his gaunt body into the cheap suits he could afford. Over time, he would grow, drop his knife less, feed his mind more: less of a straggler, more of an asset. Petty theft would shift into fraud, increasing profit — but the real money would start to emerge when lending his talent to others.The rest of Spy's alleged history begins to fork out and fade once he was willing to collaborate with others. Various employers, organisations and agencies gave him the toolset to expand his skills and potential rapidly. Every opportunity was one he would take advantage of to the fullest until the fleeting time with each would cease. Of course, he would be long gone by then, slipping off quietly before any hooks could catch onto him and anchor him in one place.

FULL NAME Unknown.CLASS NAME The Spy.SPECIES Human.AGE Approx. 55 — 65.BIRTHDAY Approx. 1906 — 1916.ETHNICITY Caucasian.NATIONALITY French.GENDER Nonbinary Masculine.PRONOUNS Any. He, Him, Himself are most reoccurant.ORIENTATION Bisexual, Biromantic.BIRTHPLACE Indeterminate region of France.LANGUAGE(S) French (Native Tongue), English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (Fluent), Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, Japanese. (Intermediate.)EARLY LIFE There is little to officially pinpoint his presence in society since birth. He spent his early life impoverished in the greater Paris region, building his way up since boyhood with ruthless determination and ambition. Burning through cheap cigarettes, cheap suits, shoes and cologne, he has never wavered from his distinction as a confident and efficient gentleman. Clumsy knife skills and the trigger-happy skittishness of a lonely youth have long pruned to create an enigma of a man. Barren of kin, documentation, achievements, and a societal trail, his presence is a contradiction of overwhelming yet fleeting.CURRENT LOCATION Badlands, New Mexico, USA.OCCUPATION Employed as a "cloak and dagger" espionage agent by Builders League United (B.L.U) Little is known about the Spy before his employment under TF Industries. Dubbed as a "globe-trotting rogue", he has worked under various agencies, organisations, individuals and parties across the globe, gathering intelligence, infiltrating enemy ranks, and even performing assassinations for employers before disappearing completely from radars without a trace. Lacking any legal documentation to bind his existence to society, he adopts and sheds new identities frequently, with only three things consistent with his global footprint: a Frenchman by birth, a chronic smoker, and a ruthless killer: who is to say how long it may be before he disappears from under BLU's watchful eye too?VOICE CLAIM Dennis Bateman.FATHER Unknown.MOTHER Unknown.

HAIR Short, wavy black hair, with large, visibly greying patches through the centre of his hairline and temples. Visibly thinning and receding in a "V" shape. Often has it swept or gelled back, even under his balaclava. Facial hair present, clean-shaven daily, shadow still present.EYES Down-turned almond-shaped eyes. Pale blue in colour, appearing almost grey. Long eyelashes and prominent eye bags, indicative of poor sleep and fluctuating health.FACE Diamond-shaped face. High, prominent cheekbones, jaw and brow ridge. Thin lips and brows. His most notable feature is a long, hooked aquiline nose. Wrinkles visible around eye creases, between brows and cheeks.COMPLEXION Medium complexion with cool undertones. Discolouration through skin due to lack of sunlight.SCARS Various, mostly faded scars across his body. Numerous small lacerations up his back, cigarette burns up his biceps and a single bullet scar in his left thigh. Most injuries were sustained during interrogations and combat. Further injuries sustained during his employment under B.L.U have since been mended due to their miraculous healing technologies. He holds little sentiment for what remains, chalking them up to cautions of failure and close scrapes.HEIGHT 5'11 [ 181 cm. ]WEIGHT 130 lbs [ 59 kg. ]BUILD Ectomorph. Slender "hourglass" build with long, thin arms and legs. Notably small hands and feet. Ribcage and spine protrude visibly under skin, indicative of past malnutrition.USUAL EXPRESSION "Uninviting" would be a fast way to describe Spy's general demeanour. The man often appears annoyed, displeased, and like he could use a long sleep. Whether this is his genuine display or a mask for what he is truly thinking beneath is often unclear, although he is commonly content to sprinkle his demeanour with unsavoury remarks and begrudging conversation. On the other hand, he can just as easily present as gentle and attentive, placing his domineering personality off to the side to accommodate others if he so chooses: this is less common than the latter description.CLOTHING STYLE Extremely particular and picky with his clothing, although still complies with his uniform's demand for blue colouring. Only wears formal attire, and will dress it down to a turtleneck under a coat and dress pants at most. Designer and custom-made suits are fit perfectly to his body by an unspecified tailor, with gloves, wristwatches, and cufflinks added. His most notable addition is a dark blue, pinstripe suit, matched with a blue tie, cashmere-lined gloves, and black leather dress shoes. He has a rotated change each day, and keeps all of his clothing clean and tidy. His most notable addition is a dark blue balaclava, with only his eyes and mouth visible. Wears frequently in the presence of his coworkers and employers. Other accessories, such as scarves, hats, and aviators may be used to hide his face while in discussion with those with whom he works.

WEAPONRY Knowledgeable on various knives, handguns, and electrical equipment useful for interrupting or overtaking technological systems. His primary weapons of choice to pair are the balisong and an American Colt Python 6" revolver, with the former being his first pick. Having used knives all his life, he is knowledgeable on where and how to cut into his enemies, and even dispatch of them in one strike. Additionally proficient in Aikido, capable of taking down opponents bigger and stronger than him if without his weapons.ADDICTIONS Entirely dependent on nicotine, capable of burning through seven cigarettes a day while working. Extremely particular about what type he smokes, preferring blends with clove, tulsi, and cinnamon in brown paper. A strong distinction he holds to his R.E.D counterparts, their scent a curiously effective way to differentiate between them when they're disguised.FEAR(S) & ASPIRATION(S) Fears are inconsistent and few with this man — interrogation, torture and pain are momentary, and if survived, compartmentalised and placed aside in the back of his mind without any apparent effect psychologically. He has no kin to worry for, and his own identity is near impenetrable for blackmail. He has nothing to lose, so what else is there to fear? The answer ironically lies right beneath his shadow. His reactions and feelings are depersonalised, and have been for decades. What happens if one day, something comes back for him? A memory, a lover, a feeling — something entirely out of his control? What if something psychologically finally cracks him? He is walking on eggshells in his own skin. It is something is aware of, but not entirely at peace with. He avoids thinking about it, for trying to grasp something he can't control will only drive him mad faster. As for aspirations, "ambition" is a word that entirely aligns with how Spy has carried himself his whole life. It is not about an ultimate "goal", but rather how much he can keep building himself, how far he can go, and what he can gain. Superficial and materialistic in the long run, but ultimately it is what a man like him is reduced to with his place in the world.POSITIVE TRAITS Adaptable, Intelligent, Focused, Efficient, Sensual, Romantic, Charismatic, Pragmatic, Knowledgable, Lenient, Cooperative, Endurant, Neat, Affectionate, Eloquent, Versatile, Observant, Ambitious, Resolute, Unintrusive, Proud, Gentle, Astute, Humorous, Attentive.NEGATIVE TRAITS Cold, Demanding, Ruthless, Detached, Insensitive, Uptight, Judgemental, Cruel, Sadistic, Sardonic, Haughty, Snobbish, Rude, Blunt, Vain, Superficial, Domineering, Temperamental, Insouciant, Deceitful, Pessimistic, Opportunistic, Grouchy, Hedonistic, Selfish, Disloyal.EDUCATION LEVEL His education was entirely unofficial, and his presence in any education system was never documented. Despite this, he is startlingly eloquent and literate in several languages and a fast learner with technological equipment. He is also quite knowledgeable on niche subjects, and enjoys expanding his knowledge of history and language through reading and exploring cultures directly.INTERESTS & HOBBIES He possesses a wide range of hobbies and interests, mostly pertaining to dance, music, fashion, dining, architecture, literature and art. While he cannot build, design or paint himself, he holds a great degree of interest in people devoted to their craftsmanship, and believes such to be of great importance to human existence. For him personally, he is talented at partnered and solo dancing, playing piano, and greatly enjoys reading. He is also a wine snob, don't bother him with your cheap picks.


"Thus I clothe my naked villainy. With odd old ends stolen out of Holy Writ, And seem a saint when most I play the devil." — King Richard III.

Sulyvahn was born a child in the Painted World of Ariandel, raised in the frigid cold amidst the forlorn beings that had long lost everything and confided themselves in the rot. The child had yet to experience loss, safe in his naked flesh upon this peaceful land and sheltered to the strife of an unforgiving world outside: In this land of belonging, he did not belong. He would come to fear that perhaps he did not have a place in the world outside, that outside his homeland's delicate cycle of death of rebirth, he would amount to little more than a brushstroke in a weathering painting. Such isolation inspired envy in this young boy, and terrible ambition still in the growing man he would become — Thus, Sulyvahn would prove that the most frightful of all is a man with nothing to lose.As a young sorcerer, trained in his spells of frost, he would leave the Painted World to create his own mark. Far he would venture through Lordran and beyond until he would venture upon the remains of a once proud land: the Profaned Capital. Here he would seek the works of the old Sorcery Schools to further his abilities and begin to branch his knowledge. But instead, he would happen across the Profaned Flame, something that he deemed to be even greater. Infinity and the Abyss itself would dance within the flame, its cinders bathing Sulyvahn's blade in its eternal glory. The young sorcerer was utterly captivated by the unfading flame, and it was then a burning ambition took root within him. Any mere wishes of importance would surge beyond the grasp of humble man, compelling him to conquer the Boreal Valley in which the Profaned Flame was situated under. At first, Sulyvahn would set his sights on infiltrating the proud order of Darkmoon Knights in Anor Londo, his faux submission rewarded with the Greatsword of Judgement in which he would bask in his own sorceries. In this new position as a blade, he would begin to scour through the many superpowers across the land, venturing briefly into Lothric where he would learn further of the Kingdom's intentions to link The Flame through their young heir. Sulyvahn would leave, but not before planting seeds of doubt into the young man's mind, grooming the kingdom into a position more favorable for the future.Once he would gain their complete trust, Sulyvahn's usurpation of Anor Londo would begin with the Dark Sun Gwyndolin, the old God mysteriously subcumbing to an illness that would similarly consume The Holy Deacons that resided in Irithyll. These Deacons would spread their corruption out to the Cathedral of The Deep, linking their puppeteer's ties to the prophetic Aldrich. It was then that this tyrant would proclaim himself with a new title: Pontiff Sulyvahn. Upon fulfilling his goal, he formed his Outrider Knights to enforce his rule, even forcing his compeers to wear a ring that, should they ever question his ideals, would drive them mad with visions of battle unending and send them afar from the Boreal Valley in said madness. At Aldrich's side, the two would become unstoppable dictators over once restful lands, their eyes now set upon the Kingdom of Lothric in wait of the Age of Fire to fade away for eternity.

FULL NAME Sulyvahn. ALIAS(S) Sulyvahn of Ariandel, Sorcerer Sulyvahn, Pontiff Sulyvahn, Pope Sulyvahn, Sulyvahn the Tyrant, Angel of Death, Birch Traveller, Sweet child. SPECIES Human descent, Hybrid of a Tree Woman and Corvian. AGE Unknown, Presumably beyond birch tree lifespan from prominant varicose veins in his wrists and thighs. Appears to be in his late thirties. BIRTHDAY October 27th, Year Unknown. [ Claims to be born on the 6th of January, the feast of the Epiphany. ] ETHNIC GROUP Caucasian Irish descent. BIRTHPLACE Painted World of Ariandel. PREVIOUS HOME(S) Profaned Capital, Lothric Castle. [ Both briefly. ] CURRENT LOCATION Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. GENDER Intersex. Identifies primarily as masculine. PRONOUNS He/Him/Himself & They/Them/Themself. ORIENTATION
Homoromantic, Bisexual [ Primarily masculine individuals. ]
ROLE Former sorcerer of Ariandel, Self-proclaimed Pontiff of The Boreal Valley and Anor Londo, usurper of the gods. USUAL EXPRESSION Calm, unfaltering expression, usually holding a slight smile or loose frown. Notably harsh, prying eyes.

FACE Long, thin rectangular face with high, prominant cheekbones and a protruding chin. Possesses a long, slim aquiline nose with a townturned tip and sharp nostrils. Sealed commonly behind a drentched mask of wax to protect himself from from going mad from curses. Pale olive skin with cool undertones, very delicate flesh with prominant veins along legs, wrists and neck. EYES Upturned, dark gray eyes that almost appear to be black. Long bottom lashes with narrowed canthus. Left eye self-removed in an elaborate, grotesque ceremony upon the distribution of the Pontiff's Eye rings. HAIR Straight & coarse off-black with flecked white strands. Sliced straight just above his collarbone, slightly curving up naturally towards the tips. Commonly styled in a tight ballerina bun under his mail coif. HEIGHT 10'2 ft [ 309.8 cm ] WEIGHT 437 lbs [ 198 kg ] BUILD Ectomorph. Willowy frame with visible ribs and narrow shoulders. Thin waist with prominant, bony hips. HANDINESS Trained to be Ambidextrous. Prominent right hand. CLOTHING STYLE Modified sorcerer's robe, swathed in a gold-embroidered maroon shawl with gold-crested jewellery. Commonly travels without shoes or gloves, with hands adorned in numerous rings and a single bracelet. Possesses sturdy chainmail under armour, with a tall crown atop his head. TOOLS Wields personal Profaned Greatsword in his right hand, and the Greatsword of Judgment in his left. In possession of many of the 'Pontiff's eyes' in which he adorns around his neck.

NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS Narcissistic personality disorder, Psychopathic personality. EMOTIONAL STABILITY
Presents himself as orderly and knowledgeable, exercising his presence greatly above those he surrounds himself with and painting himself as the most proficient. Internally, or under provocation, however, the Pontiff will become most aggressive, defensive and cruel, verbally abusing and flattening any that evoke his ire. Completely relentless and ravenous in his quest for victory if he suspects he is being challenged. Utterly unpredictable.
SOCIABILITY Completely uninhibited in addressing or cornering individuals personally, as well as masses alike. Will often be the one to lead any interaction, unless there is no benefit in it for him. Is content to humor or dismiss individuals as he sees fit. Contrastingly, can be quite thoughtful and engaging, inspiring trust in those that might be inclined to withdraw from him. POSITIVE TRAITS Intelligent, Practical, Thorough, Persistent, Jocular, Charismatic, Creative, Eloquent, Engaging, Cautious, Ambitious, Calculating, Assertive. NEGATIVE TRAITS Irritable, Insensitive, Cruel, Sadistic, Debauched, Ruthless, Paranoid, Selfish, Violent, Controlling, Greedy, Impaitent, Judgemental, Deceptive, Arrogant. GOALS/DESIRES To rope in complete control over Irithyll, The Profaned Capital and Anor Londo. Later has his sights set on gaining power over Lothric, the lone other Superpower. Ultimately seeks to end the Age of Fire and rise as a primary dominion in the new era. HOBBIES Reading, Learning, Practicing dark sorceries, Hobbyist taxidermy, Impresario organizing.


"Do not jape with me, sir! You and your colleagues are like so many others, unable to look past minor setbacks to see the salvation taking place before your very eyes. Do you wait to remove rotten timbers until the hall collapses on top of you? No. You find them and you pull them out and replace them with those untouched by rot!" — SCP-049, Follow Up Interview.

Initial reports came in from the South of France. In the picturesque town of Montauban, residents of varying ages, genders and ethnicities had begun mysteriously vanishing. Local authorities would search the neighbouring woodlands, rivers and buildings without a trace of any eyewitnesses or evidence. They had simply vanished, and an outcry of fear, anger and hysteria broke out through the area, sending panic up through each of France's regions. The SCP Foundation was made aware of these anomalies after several undisclosed tips and sent a search and discovery team to discreetly investigate the town.At first, their efforts received little payoff, not a trace of remains or DNA uncovered. However, after several more disappearances were reported near the Montauban Cathedral, the investigation became centralized in the area, houses and facilities raided with warrants and swept from top to bottom. Upon entering one, seemingly humble local home, investigators were abruptly faced with a floor covered in writhing, slumped bodies, some quickly identified as missing persons, and others maimed beyond visual confirmation. These persons would come to be recorded as SCP-049-2s, and further inside the house, SCP-049 itself was discovered sitting down by a fireplace, unfazed by the forced entry, and even greeting authorities with a polite welcome. While law enforcement personnel engaged with the hostile 049-2 instances, SCP-049 was noted as watching the engagement without protest or intervention, instead taking notes in its leather-bound journal. After all of its "patients" were dispatched, the entity simply closed its book, stood up, and allowed itself to be escorted out of the building, willingly entering the Foundation's custody from that night onward.

ITEM # SCP-049. OBJECT CLASS Euclid. Sentient and Violent. ALIAS(S) 049, Plague Doctor, Doctor Death. SPECIES Unknown. Humanoid entity with primarily Homosapien biology. Avian biology is additionally present. AGE Unknown. Claims to have originated in 15th century France, and declares that it is "particularly well-traveled". SEX Undetermined. PRONOUNS
Refers to itself commonly as masculine. He/Him/Himself + It/Its/Itself.
Montauban, Southern France.
CURRENT LOCATION Research Sector-02 at Site-19. Clearance Level 2 is required for entry. NATIONALITY
French. Speaks with British dialect and accent when conversing in English.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN Medieval and Modern French are its native tongue. Shows advanced grasps of numerous dialects. English, German, Romansh, Italian, Spanish. Possibly more, undisclosed. DIET SCP-049 has expressed that it does not require sustenance, but enjoys it and feels that the food helps to put it in the right mind to operate. It commonly requests small meals, ranging between thin crackers, salted pork and hard cheeses. AVERSIONS SCP-049 seems to hold a repulsion towards the smell of death and rot, proclaiming it to be an airborne trace of "The Pestilence." This seems to stem from the Miasma Theory, in which SCP-049 holds much of its practice and beliefs. The entity has also expressed the importance of "The Four Humors" in health practice in general, and is under the impression of its practice being commonplace today. PHYSICALITY SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, although Foundation staff are currently incapable of studying its face and body more thoroughly, as it is covered in what appears to be the garb of the traditional "Plague Doctor" from 15-16th century Europe. While it appears to be wearing the thick robes and ceramic mask indicative of the profession, it has been identified that these garments have grown out of SCP-049's body over time. X-rays indicate that despite this, SCP-049 does have a humanoid skeletal structure beneath its outer layer. Under its hood, two eyeballs can visibly be seen shifting independently from beneath the 'mask'-like growth. ATTIRE The robes and gloves are identical to a thick hide built up on the skin, while the mask is composed of a form of chitin growing out of the bones of the face. This does not appear to hinder SCP-049 in any way, as it is still capable of sensation from contact, and can consume sustenance between the split of its "beak" and jawbone. HEIGHT Approximately 1.9 m tall [ 6'3 ft ] WEIGHT 95.3 kg [ 210.1 lbs ] OLFACTORY OBSERVATIONS
A mild aroma of wormwood, juniper, carnations and other sweet herbs lingers around SCP-049's chambers, likely originating from its person.

ITEMS A black doctor's bag it carries on its person at all times, often attached to its 'belt.' The space within this bag is seemingly anomalously large, as SCP-049 has been observed pulling objects larger than the bag itself from within it in order to operate on deceased subjects. The most reoccurring object is a thick leather journal that the entity will document its findings post-autopsies. Curiously, it is written in a language unknown to any linguists or codebreakers, but still, SCP-049 will often seek to share its findings with members of Foundation staff. It formerly carried a pointed stick that has been confiscated for the time being. TEMPERAMENT
While SCP-049 is generally cooperative with most Foundation personnel, outbursts or sudden changes in behaviour are to be met with elevated force. Under no circumstances should any personnel come into direct contact with SCP-049 during these outbursts. In the event SCP-049 becomes aggressive, the application of lavender has been shown to produce a calming effect on the entity. Once calmed, SCP-049 generally becomes compliant, and will return to containment with little resistance.
SCP-049 is contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-02 at Site-19. SCP-049 must be sedated before any attempts to transport it. During transport, SCP-049 must be secured within a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness [ including a locking collar and extension restraints ] and monitored by no fewer than two armed guards.
In order to facilitate the ongoing containment of SCP-049, the entity is to be provided with the corpse of a recently deceased animal, typically a bovine or another large mammal, once every two weeks for study. At the touch of its hand to the corpse's flesh, the creature will reanimate in a 'zombified' state several minutes later, gaining the title of "SCP-049-2s". Corpses that become instances of SCP-049-2 are to be removed from SCP-049's containment cell and incinerated. SCP-049 never seems to protest to this, and will allow its "patients" to be taken for incineration after it has finished operating on them, only requesting another subject soon to come on the regular schedule. Requests for human subjects are to be denied. - UPDATED INFORMATION- Due to the events of April 16th, where SCP-049's actions resulted in the death of Doctor Raymond Hamm, the entity is no longer permitted to interact directly with any members of Foundation staff, nor is it to be provided with any additional corpses to be used in its surgeries. This order shall persist indefinitely, until such time a consensus regarding the ongoing containment of SCP-049 can be reached.
[See Research Sector-02's SCHEME ]* The Containment chamber is a long, rectangular room with no windows and limited white lighting. It is located inside a control area behind two containment doors, with space between for Researches and Guards to stand safely, as well as a means to transport mammalian specimens for SCP-049 to study. Adjacent is two long hallways with two power generators, each ending with two elevator locations that are locked by two DNA scanners for entry and exit. The containment chamber itself is limited in design, one single cell bed placed in front of a desk and chair for the entity to occupy itself inside. Under no circumstances should both doors be unlocked at one time, with only officially reported confirmation of SCP-049's sedation allowing for its transportation between the Containment Cell and the interview site.

ABILITIES SCP-049 is capable of causing all biological functions of an organism to shut down and cease completely through direct skin contact, and it is encouraged that thick garbs ought to be worn around it at all times. How this occurs is currently unknown, and autopsies of SCP-049's victims have invariably been inconclusive. SCP-049 has expressed frustration or remorse after these killings, indicating that they have done little to kill "The Pestilence" inside its victims, though will usually seek to then perform a crude surgery on the corpse. While these surgeries are not always "successful", they often result in the creation of instances of SCP-049-2. SCP-049-2 subjects are reanimated corpses that have been operated on by SCP-049. They do not seem to retain any of their prior memories or mental functions, having only basic motor skills and response mechanisms. While these instances are generally inactive, moving very little and in a generally ambulatory fashion, they can become extremely aggressive if provoked, or if directed to by SCP-049. The entity has also proven over many occasions to have an extensive and complex understanding of anatomy, overlapping with humanoids, bovines and swine alike. Although, the entity claims that its veterinarian practice is rudimentary. WEAKNESSES SCP-049 has been documented to have inhuman resistance to physical damage, and once survived having rounds of gunfire unloaded into its chest and vital organs after an attempted attack. Despite this, it is significantly more fragile than other SCPs, and its body will collapse under inflicted wounds and be incapacitated for some time. Excessive force is commonly unnecessary for the entity, as in most instances, it is compliant and will cooperate with instructions. Even after severe damage, SCP-049 will insist on tending to its own wounds, with its remarkable expanse of knowledge on human anatomy being commended by even foundation staff. POSITIVE TRAITS
Charming, Eloquent, Intelligent, Insightful, Passionate, Affable, Accomodating, Cordial, Cooperative, Humorous.
Unpredictable, Violent, Ruthless, Cold, Irritable, Defensive, Vague, Arrogant, Detatched, Disloyal.
SCP-049 consistently expresses its desire to rid the world of a presence which it calls "The Pestilence" Although the exact nature of "The Pestilence" is currently unknown to Foundation researchers, it does seem to be an issue of immense concern to SCP-049. The entity will become hostile with individuals it sees as being affected by "The Pestilence", often having to be restrained should it encounter such. If left unchecked, SCP-049 will generally attempt to kill any such individual with its deadly touch. Despite the apparent act of violence, its victims will almost always reanimate as instances of brain-dead SCP-049-2s, and SCP-049 often remarks that these subjects have been "cured" of the disease.
FEARS SCP-049 is prone to complete burn-out when it deems its autopsies to be unfruitful or inconclusive, and the loss of its deadly touch or experimentation capacity is theorised to likely cause a depressive episode in the entity.


"Don't. Human lives are short enough. Do not rush to die." — Wamuu

Wamuu knows little of where his history begins. He was born approximately twelve-thousand years ago to an unknown Pillar Man and Woman, their lives ending shortly after following Kars' uprising against his mass persecution. Wamuu, alongside Santana, were taken from their respective kin's lifeless arms as infants, and were raised into adulthood by the very men that had slain their parents: Kars and Esidisi. Despite this fact, Wamuu never held any resentment towards his adoptive fathers, conceding that the pair were doing what was necessary to protect each other, just as he promised to do for them the day he was old enough to brandish a weapon. He owes it to the both of them what kind of man he became — a true, pure warrior, forged over lifetimes of training and combat to build his mind into an impenetrable fortress... bound to a firm code of honour.In adulthood, Wamuu would observe his younger brother, Santana, failing to keep up with his elders — distracted from the task at hand, one that Kars would emphasise with the utmost importance: to obtain The Red Stone of Aja and unlock the untapped biological potential of the Pillar Men's survivors and become the ultimate lifeforms. It would seem Santana would not grasp such emphasised importance, and thus he was cast aside by Kars, and left behind to fend for himself. Wamuu found himself instinctively wounded by the absence of the one he had called his younger brother... but, Kars' ruthless determination served as an important reminder. One mustn't become distracted by burdens or sentiments on the path towards their ultimate achievements, for failure would already be decided for them. Wamuu wouldn't allow himself to dwell on his own festering weakness — rather he would allow Kars' inspiration to challenge him, to make him consider what exactly it was that he wanted in his long life. The Red Stone of Aja was final, indeed... but Wamuu's warrior spirit would always writhe beneath his skin — driving him to not only be a devoted protector of his fathers, but a fighter through the ages, constantly hungering for the thrill of battle, the honour in combat... Was he distracted? Had he forgotten what it was that Kars instructed them to seek? Had the stone slipped from his heart's devotion?... Had he failed as a warrior? No. In truth, Wamuu's spirit was far too proud to be chained, and Kars knew it too. He was as free and fleeting as the very wind he had commanded... the wind he was born of and would one day return to.

FULL NAME Wamuu [ ワムウ. ] ALIAS(S) Lord Wamuu, Wham, Warrior of The Wind, Big guy. SPECIES Pillar Man. A near-extinct race of ancient, powerful humanoid beings that are highly intelligent, extremely strong, and able to manipulate their bodies to a very fine degree. They hold similarities to the documented human mythos of 'vampires', with a near-immortal lifespan, and their vulnerability to the sun's rays and Hamon, as well as their diet of human blood and flesh. They are, however, above vampires in their physical capabilities, and even prey on them too as a food source. AGE Approximately 12,000 years old. BIRTHDAY Circa 10,000 B.C. [ April 28th ] NATIONALITY
Unknown. Presumably originated from the American Continent.
LANGUAGE(S) Can speak any human tongue if appropriately exposed to the language for a few minutes. GENDER Cis Male. PRONOUNS He/Him/Himself. ORIENTATION
Grayaromantic, Bisexual.
CURRENT LOCATION Moves quickly, can travel between continents and countries in a matter of hours on foot. ROLE Guardian and personal warrior for his adoptive fathers, Lord Kars and Master Esidisi. VOICE CLAIM Akio Ōtsuka. ADOPTIVE FATHER(S)
Kars & Esidisi. Despite common assumptions, he is personally closer to Esidisi as both a paternal figure and master, having primarily trained under him for his combat knowledge since he was a child. His respect and devotion to Kars, however, are incomparable. He holds great admiration for his leader's knowledge and determination, and would lay down his life for him with no hesitation.
Santana. While Santana is somewhat the 'black sheep' of the group and subject to Kars' disdain, Wamuu does still hold a secret fondness for his younger brother, having been raised beside him, growing by him, and the two of them sleeping side by side as children. He has since partially adopted Kars' perspective on Santana being slow and disengaged, but at the end of the day would very likely still fight for the younger's life if he had to.==

Unknown Pillar Man & Woman. Both deceased, slain by Kars. He holds no resentment towards Kars, nor desire to ever have met his father or mother. USUAL EXPRESSION
Stoic expression with a slight frown, as to indicate a near-constant state of focus. Freely snarls or sneers at his opposition or prey, as well as smiling softly to allies. Most notable are his eyes: stern, yet strangely gentle and measured — a promise of a noble creature who is far from without reason.
HAIR Short, standing hair cut down at the top and fanning out slightly against his neck. Sandy blonde in colour. EYES Deep-set eyes with long eyelashes. Gemstone green with pupils capable of voluntarily retracting and expanding. Notable tapetum lucidum present that allows his eyes to reflect a room's light source twice as strong as a human. FACE Broad, square head with a chiselled jaw and high cheekbones. Notably prominent eyebrows. Characteristic of all Pillar Men, he possesses a horn, his taking form of a thick, singular uni-horn that he is capable of retracting and extending from above his forehead. As per tradition for adult Pillar Men, he keeps the horn hidden behind either jewellery or a thin beige headwrap that he will only expose as a threat, a challenge, or whilst courting.

COMPLEXION Dark "bronze" skin with golden undertones. PIERCINGS Commonly adorns earlobe piercings as well as a "ring-like" piercing through the right side of his bottom lip. Capable of ripping out piercings at will if he no longer wants them and the flesh will heal over. No scars, Wounds from combat heal rapidly. TATTOO(S) One thick outline of a crimson square; crossing his face just under the bridge of his nose; upwards through the middle of each eye and splits off under his right eye. HEIGHT 7'3 ft [ 221 cm. ] WEIGHT 331 lbs [ 150 kg ] BUILD Endomorph. Broad, well-muscled frame with around 12-15% body fat. Large shoulders, arms and thighs. CLOTHING STYLE
Prefers to wear as little clothing as possible, as per his species' culture and the flexibility it provides in battle. Adorns a loin cloth, as well as several pieces of fine jewellery and treasures across his entire body. Commonly keeps his hair wrapped under a beige cloth, or otherwise adorns varying styles of head chains that keep his horn covered. May occasionally choose to wear an open vest or sleeveless one piece that cuts off at his midriff.
Becomes quickly overwhelmed at the threat of failure, and will inflict harsh forms of self-punishment to soothe his nerves, even allowing his opponents to score free hits on him until he feels is sufficient. To be belittled, mocked or shamed in any sense wounds him greatly, especially by those he holds in a lens of respect or worth. His ultimate fear, however, would be to fail his guardians and masters beyond any redevelopment: the ultimate reflection of a disgraced warrior.
Since childhood, he has been fed the ultimate importance of retrieving and preserving the Red Stone of Aja by Kars, and accepts that it ought to be their primary goal above any personal desire. But as an individual, Wamuu finds complete clarity in the art of combat: the deciding ritual of worth across all species since the beginning of time. He favours metaphorically "marrying" himself to any opponents he deems worthy of his abilities, and treats the ritual completely seriously. He won't think about anything else until he has defeated and claimed the life of his adversary in a noble dance of combat.
POSITIVE TRAITS Honourable, Loyal, Honest, Dutiful, Strategic, Resourceful, Principled, Curious, Fair, Tolerant, Vigilant. NEGATIVE TRAITS Severe, Stubborn, Arrogant, Strict, Overbearing, Insecure, Irritable, Competitive, Relentless, Judgemental, Patronising, Self-Destructive, Humourless. EDUCATION LEVEL
No traditional education. Trained in physical and elemental combat by Esidisi and gained learned knowledge over time from both of his guardians. Devoted many centuries to self-teaching in various works of literature, cultures and environmental phenomena.
Regardless of his superhuman strength and elemental abilities, Wamuu demonstrates exceptional knowledge in numerous forms of combat and self-defence. He has keen reflexes and honed instincts, reflexively striking out at anyone who walks close behind him or inside his shadow, and immense self-control in ignoring urges of preservation in combat that may otherwise disadvantage him.
Even for a member of his species, Wamuu possesses exceptional strength, able to tear tree trunks and massive stone columns from the ground and lift them over his head. In certain cases, he is capable of using them as striking weapons.

Wamuu can freely change and manipulate his body to a greater degree and speed than any vampire, being able to dislocate or even break his own bones as well as flatten organs in order to achieve any form he desires. With his near-immortality and powers of regeneration, Wamuu can survive, endure attacks, and restore his body even after being reduced to only his brain.
The Pillar Men's most dangerous trait is their superior intellect. They are capable of perfect recall and are able to instantly analyze and understand the mechanics behind anything including complicated things such as languages, machinery, tactics, systems, and people's minds and actions, within a matter of seconds. This coupled with Wamuu's advanced combat knowledge makes him an incredibly dangerous foe, capable of adapting and changing his strategy mid-battle if he feels it necessary.
Pillar Men possess extremely enhanced senses. Wamuu is able to pick up on the heartbeat, scent and heat signatures of prey and opponents alike.
Pillar Men's primary means of consuming food and prey. The cells that constitute Wamuu's body release a potent digestive acid that melts anything organic on physical contact while making it appear that Wamuu is absorbing his victim into his body.
The more experienced Pillar Men each have their own special fighting style, characterized by a specific such as fire, water, or light. Wamuu's elemental ability is controlling the wind and air.
Wamuu possesses what he calls the "Wind Mode", which is an ability he achieved through the Pillar Men's ability to freely control and alter their bodies. Using Wind Mode, Wamuu is able to attack using the razor-sharp wind that blows out of his own body, capable of shredding a human being to pieces.
Wamuu's signature technique. The attack is initiated when Wamuu starts to spin his forearms rapidly from the elbow joint, where the right arm spins to the left, and the left arm spins to the right. The rapid spinning creates a massive wind storm with enough destructive power to shred a human being into pieces, and make large pieces of rock crumble. The attack was likened to "A Sandstorm in Space."
A technique where Wamuu wraps his body in a whirlwind of steam released from his lungs, using make-shift tubes produced from his own body in order to release the air inside his lungs. The wind suit gives Wamuu the ability to reflect the sun's rays off of his body, giving him much-needed protection against the sun. Also, by reflecting the light, Wamuu becomes invisible, which gives him the opportunity to launch surprise attacks. However, the wind suit takes a lot of energy to maintain, and only lasts for roughly ten seconds, which forces Wamuu to stay near a sheltered area, in order to take cover once the technique is over.
Typically used as a last resort, Wamuu uses the tubes for his wind suit to gather huge amounts of air and compresses it in his lungs. The air is then released through a slit on the horn of his head, causing it to become as sharp as a razor blade. The wind flails about much like a whip and is sharp enough to cut through stone. However, due to the scraping and heat led by the quick wind compression, the technique slowly tears apart Wamuu's body until he collapses.